Friday, 14 November 2014

Someone Else has found us


The Young Lady holding the tea set in the picture above is my mother Shirley Lenthall who sadly passed away in November 2013

Steve Lenthall 

Nice to hear from you Steve although sorry to hear that you lost your Mum a year ago. She must have been a good age.
Was your Dad Doug Lentell, I remember that name and I think he worked with my Dad, Percy Boyce.

Is this the photo you meant, a very beautiful lady.

I recognise  Eddy Vane and Dave Laughton but not the others. If you have any Ilminster photos we would love to see them if you could email them to me.

1 comment:

  1. No my father is Peter Lenthall who i am glad to say is fit and well.The gent behind my mother I believe is Ernie Robson



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Who will be first?